write a dialogue between a teacher and student critically evaluate and discuss effectiveness of online education system within the context of COVID-19
After counting the attendance of the students in online classes teacher specifically talks to the students who weren't taking classes...
Here goes the conversation:-
Teacher-Hello Student,I saw you weren't attending online classes of school...Tell me why don't you attend classes?
Student- Teacher, I don't like taking those classes they are boring,,,I can't talk to my friends what I did when I was in school I can't also see them and also my tuitions are going on so I just follow the syllabus.
Teacher- That's good that you are studying at home,,but you should take classes some times it'll help you know many things that I tell in the classes and for Covid-19 we can't go to school....so you guys need to accompany us and do classes.
Student-Teacher, I'm not saying these classes are not useful.. but I don't want to take them.
Teacher- You need to take it..because school set a rule that students who aren't attending classes,there marks will be deducted in the exam results...
Student-Ok teacher. I'll. But I want to tell you that sometimes you should do something interesting in class...like, Reading Articles,Watching vedieos and answering question or MCQ.
Teacher-That is a good proposal..We will do that..start taking classes from tommorow. Understand?
Student-Yes teacher.
Teacher-Ok then bye. Don't miss classes again or I'll talk to your parents.
Student-Yes teacher I'll not. Bye.