English, asked by hozefadhuliawala, 3 days ago

write a dialogue between doctor and patient discussing the symptoms of covid-19​


Answered by harisreeps


Doctor: Hello, what is your name.?

Patient: Hello doctor, I am Rahul.

Doctor: Tell me Rahul, what can I do for you.?

Patient: For last couple of days, I am not feeling well.

Doctor: Oh, what are the difficulties you are having.?

Patient: I have a high temperature and cold.

Doctor: Anything else.?

Patient: Yes Doctor, I have breathing difficulties, and can't sleep all night.

Doctor: Do you feel taste and smell.?

Patient: No Doctor.

Doctor: Ok, open your mouth.

Have you been in contact with any covid-19 positive patients lately.?

Patient: No doctor.

Doctor: Are there any cases detected in your locality.?

Patient: yes doctor, there are few cases.

Doctor: ok, I recommend you to take an RTPCR as soon as possible. Your symptoms are quite obvious that you might be having corona.

Patient: Doctor, is there anything to worry about.?

Doctor: Rather than panicking, it is always good to take care of yourself with better treatment and being conscious enough to stop its spread to others.

Patient: Ok doctor.

Doctor: Rahul, you might be taken into quarantine here. Take care.

Patient: Thankyou Doctor.

Doctor: No problem.


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