English, asked by vajir48, 14 days ago

write a dialogue between you and your friend attending school with care of the background of Covid-19​


Answered by hala253588


a: Hey there, ____! Oh, I am so glad to see you are wearing a mask.

b:yeah, I am. After such a long time I got used to it.

a: same here, I think if more people wore masks and disinfected their hands than corona would go away way quicker.

b: I agree with you, but I kind of liked online school, it was a fun experience, nonetheless it gave us more free time. How did you spend your free time?

a: besides doing homework of course I actually started reading more books and started drawing again, but because of no straight contact with the teacher it was hard to adapt at first and I got a few not-so-good grades

b: I'm glad you are all caught up now! As for me, I had way more time to be prepared for classes and my grades went up, I was able to spend time with my brother and play videogames .

a:But now we must remember to always disinfect our hands and not touch our faces.

b:it gets a bit annoying sometimes especially if you have something in your eye, at least the school provides the antiseptic so we don't have to worry about it.

[The bell rings]

b:Oh. We should head to class now!

a:yeah, lets go.


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