English, asked by masood1234, 2 months ago

write a dialogue in which a journalist interview someone involved in the stort​


Answered by hitjhp

Answer :-

Dialogues between journalists on the news:the intraprofessional ‘interview’ as acommunicative genreÅsa Kroon


in news and current affairs broadcasts, we see journalists who talktogether about the political events of the day. Some researchers regard theseinteractions as something that is mainly there to lighten up the more monologicalnews presentation and reporting. They can be thought of as providing ‘anelement of “mild spice” in the form of “what if …”, “maybe”, some vaguerumour, unattributed gossip, displaced or imagined sentiments’ (Montgomery,2007: 125).However, journalists in the role of interviewees in news and current affairsbroadcasts are even more frequent than politicians (more on this in the fourthsection: ‘Journalists as interviewees in news and current events programming’).In fact, journalists talking to each other has become an important cornerstonein the construction of news. These interactions are used in a variety of ways incontemporary news journalism, from shorter or longer comments or reportsvia link to recorded sequences of talk or lively discussions in the studio.Indeed, it seems appropriate to speak of them as constituting a specificcommunicative genre (Linell, 1998b: 238), alongside other kinds of establishedbroadcast interactions such as interviews with politicians, spokespeople, expertsor ordinary citizens.The main purpose of this study is to identify the various ways that‘intraprofessional broadcast talk’ is used and performed on the news with aspecific focus on examples from television. Intraprofessional broadcast talkrefers to discourse (and interaction in general) within specific professions(Linell, 1998a: 143), in this case within broadcast news journalism. Theinteractions occur in between professionals and are performed on air in

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