write a dialouge between you and doctor about the pendamic disease of covid-19
I : good morning , doctor !
doctor : good morning ! yes , young man , what happened ?
I : actually doctor , i have come here to get some information about the pandemic disease of covid - 19. will you plz tell me something about it ?
doctor : why not ? it's my duty . as a doctor , i must spread awareness among people . let me tell you what the pandemic disease of covid-19 . dear , it is an infectious disease . it spreads via talking and touching . the best way to protect ourselves from this deadly disease is
to wear a mask
wash hands properly
and mainly
keep social distancing
I hope you understand what I mean
I : yes doctor . thank you so much doctor . this your information will be helpful to me . Thank you so much once again
doctor : my pleasure
I : ok doctor , now allow me to leave
doctor : you may .
I don't know how to make a list or wait for a sandwich