English, asked by guptagauri108, 6 months ago

write a diary account describing the joy on being a mediator and ushering in peace between two friends who were not on talking terms​


Answered by Fatimakincsem


Dear diary,

Today, I came under the situation where two of my closest friends fought with each other. They were so angry that they threw things at each other. I jumped in a tried to knock some sense into them. I asked them to resolved the issue through dialogue. They sat down, dran water and calmed down. Soon, I was successful to resolve their issue.

Answered by SharadSangha

Monday, 21st July 2020

Time: 8.30pm

D-ear Diary,

Today I did a really good d-eed for my friends. As you know, I really c-herish and lo-ve my friends a lot. I would do anything to keep them by my sid-e forever. And so, today, I became a mediator in ord-er to ac-hieve this goal again.

Rita and Shyam, my on-ly two friends in sc-hool, end-ed up having a huge fight over a petty misund-erstanding. Neither of them was ready to apologis-e. They did not talk to eac-h other for the entire day, as a result of whic-h I did not get to talk to anyone either. I felt so lonely and left out that I could not bear it anymore and d-ecid-ed to resol-ve the matters between them. When I actually mad-e them sit down and talk, they realis-ed how trivial the fight was and how they ignored me in turn.

So they apologis-ed to me, gave a hug to eac-h other, and finally, everything went back to normal between the three of us.

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