English, asked by Catalinad5015, 1 year ago

Write a diary entry about an accident you have witnessed


Answered by omm691

I am so accident between a car and a truck a truck is coming in 80 kmph for Speed we can say but a car is coming in in 30 kmph and then the accident begin in the truck and the car when I saw the accident I call the police and and I let them to the doctor and checkup them by doctor we should follow the traffic rule and we should drive slowly hope it helps you

Answered by reubenking

Title: My Accident

Date: 08/05/98 - 08/06/1998


I know that everyone is concerned for my well-being, but rest assured that I've escaped any serious injuries. In fact, I've recovered rather quickly since the accident on 08/05/98. My physical injuries have healed to the point that they are almost undetectable. Thank goodness for airbags.

I have no recollections of the few minutes prior to the accident up until my regaining consciousness in my very battered vehicle. Many have asked me what caused the accident, but I honestly have no memories of the incident. I have been told that it's probably a blessing that I don't remember the few moments of my life immediately preceding the crash.

Fortunately for me, there were no other vehicles anywhere near me since I ended up on the other side of the road. That means I cut across the other side of the road before coming to a stop. Of course things could have been a lot worse had there been oncoming traffic and there was also a cliff on the other side.

Let's start by saying that the impact of my crash sent an echo which reverberated along the stretch of coast -- somewhere south of Big Sur. Luckily for me, there were people living in the nearby area who heard the loud crash and immediately called 911. The people who dialed 911 as well as some French tourists were the first to arrive on the scene to assist me. The rubberneckers were sent away to prevent any further accidents from happening.

I can't exactly remember when I regained consciousness, but my level of alertness increased exponentially until I became completely aware of my surroundings. My first thoughts were that I couldn't see very well. I searched around for my glass but to no avail. Next, I tried to open the driver side door to get out. However, when I stuck my head out the completely shattered driver side window I saw it was wedge to a curve so I couldn't open it. I remember examining my t-shirt and then realizing the wetness I felt on my face was due to my own blood. I searched around the rearview mirror to examine my face, but it wasn't in its customary spot -- it flew off and landed in the back somewhere. I continued to inspect my car and found that the whole thing was a huge mess.

I was eventaully freed from my prison when the front passenger door was forced open by someone. I extracted myself from the car after climbing over some things that used to be in the back seat. I'm unable to express any feelings up to this point because I really didn't feel anything at the time. I don't know if it was from the shock of the accident but the best way that I can describe my state of being is that I was either like a robot or in a trance. I have to say that there has never been a point in my life where my senses were so sharp or focused and I was so in tune with my surroundings. I surveyed the accident scene and started to walk around. I eventually made my way around the car and found my glasses in the back seat on top of my favorite black sleeping bag. I remember clumsily putting on my glasses and feeling that they didn't fit snugly anymore. I tried bending the titanium frame to make them fit better but I soon gave up.

sleeping friends. I took a some time to watch each of them as they slept. They all must have been so exhausted from the drive down. I didn't want to disturb them so I went out by myself and eventually bought a sandiwch for $3.19 at a gas station. I returned to the room to polish off the sandwich and watch some t.v.

Everyone got up as was ready to leave by 11:30a since check-out time was noon. When I put on my shoe on the way out, I realized for the first time that there were bits and pieces of glass from my shattered windows hiding in my shoe. I took them out and kept some of them as momentos.

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