English, asked by hariharan11122006, 1 year ago

Write a diary entry about the current lockdown. Write about your positive traits that supported you to manage this crisis. Write about your negative traits that made you stressful. Conclude with the changes you need to do with your negative traits. The diary entry should be within 150 words. Use the chart given below to find out your traits.


Answered by harshitasihag

Several countries around the world have made it mandatory for their citizens to quarantine themselves to put a pause on the havoc wreaked by COVID-19. As of now, there are over 5, 42,385 confirmed cases and more than 24,368 deaths worldwide from the virus. While quarantining yourself at home is absolutely essential to contain the spread of the pandemic, it does not come without its share of It is important to understand that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. So while some may find it peaceful to stay holed up and not be bothered by the outside world for a while, others don’t cope up that well. Infact, recent research published in the medical journal The Lancet points out that there can be a host of psychological impacts of quarantine. These can range from anxiety, anger, sleep disturbances, depression and even PTSD ( post-traumatic stress disorder).

If you already have a preexisting mental health condition, it is all the more crucial for you to ensure that you take provocative measures to take care of yourself, which includes getting enough shuteye, maintaining a proper schedule and most importantly not missing your medications.

Here are certain measures you need to take to ensure that your mental health stays on Even with remote working, it can be really easy to lose track of time and completely ruin your sleep schedule. The disruption in your daily routine can be one of the most difficult aspects of quarantine. So, no matter how much you Netflix and chill or scroll on social media, it is really important to hit the sheets on a reasonable time every day. This will ensure that you wake up comfortably the next day and not laze around on the bed all day long. Sticking to a normal routine will also help you stay more productive which in turn is good for your mental health.

please mark as brainlist answer and sorry if my answer is wrong

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