English, asked by sandeep8728094, 11 months ago

write a diary entry about your first day experience in the college.


Answered by aryan1980

......HOPE YOU HELP THIS.......


My first day at college

It was kinda unique experience.

After completing admission process in June, I was eagerly waiting for college to start. 2nd august, 2017 done with orientation. Next day, the teaching was going to start.

I reached college at 7.30 am because I had a class at 8. I saw my timetable where classroom was mentioned. I asked someone where is sps 11. He told me and I reached there and entered into the class but I didn't look at the room no.

I looked at the unknown faces, and confidently sat on 2nd bench. There were 2 girls in class but according to our class list, there should be no girl in our class. I thought may be something has been changed or they are seating in wrong class. At sharp 8, a teacher entered into the class, we wished him good morning. He just told his name and told us he will teach us 'Maths'.

I took out a register, but the students on 3rd desk were discussing about the batch no. That is it B13 or A12? They called me and asked to me, I said it's B13 with full confidence but the boy who was seating with me said 'No, its A12′. I was astonished. I enquired the students seating on the 1st desk. They told us Yes, it's A12.

I was like WTF! because mine was B13. I thought I should inform the teacher and asked him to allow me to leave the class, so I can go to the right classroom. I looked at the Watch it was already 8.20 and also he was teaching so good and every student was studying.

A thought with speed of light came to me 'Syllabus of 1st year is same for all, it doesn't matter in which class I'm.’

I heard a innervoice 'Jaha se bhi gyaan batt raha hai, bas lelo'

Gather knowledge, no matter where it is coming from.

I was seating there only and studied whole class and really enjoyed it! I reached to my original classroom after this lecture got over.

I told this incident to my parents and they said you were too excited, that's why it happened.

Answered by atinshayawasthi2004


Explanation:your answer is here

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