English, asked by nandiniraitani, 1 year ago

Write a diary entry bringing out your excitement and eagerness to meet your cousin after almost fifteen years.


Answered by shraddha0906
Saturday___________ 9:05 pm
Today I am very excited. After all I am gonna meet my cousin after a long time gap of 15 years.I can't express my feelings in words. I am experiencing an unsurpassed felling. I have never had such a feeling before. Since a long time we haven't met each other. But finally tomorrow he is gonna come. He took out a piece of time out of his busy life just for me. He is just like my real brother. I am very fortunate to have such a cousin. Thank you God for giving me such a caring brother.
(your name)
Answered by Tomboyish44



Question: Write a diary entry bringing out your excitement and eagerness to meet your cousin after almost fifteen years.


Pre-Requiste Knowledge

  • Diary Entry Format.
  • Add a lot of emotional and deep words filled with intense meanings to enhance it.





Dear Diary,

Today, is going to be a unforgettable and remarkable day, Im about to meet my other half, my other soul, my lost happiness, my cousin <name>. The first and time I ever met her was on Christmas of 2003, and we departed into different directions on next year of April, as our dads had different jobs and were assigned to different places. I saw something in her personality and her cute innocence of her caught me hard. We both shared similar tastes, interests. I always wish I could experience those quality four months every day. I have an Intense longing to meet her that no one can ever understand. Not even her. After the wait of 15 years, I finally get the oppurtunity to meet her. A lot of things are going in my mind, a variety of emotions, questions and doubts. Will she have changed? I dont think so. Despite being with her only for 4 months, the bonding is strong, very close and it is inseperable. We both just finished texting about where to meet at her residency. I still wonder why we decided not to call each other but text. But the excitement in me is insane, it cannot be stopped. Me and my parents are going today 1:00am to <place> from <place>. It is a 8 hour flight, but im telling you, its worth it. Im sure this month will the best month of my life. Exploring, adventuring and what not.I even got a slam book ready for her to write. I gotta go now, gonna get ready for the flight. See you tommorow at <place> with <name of the cousin>. Bye!

<your name>


Hope It Helps!

CoolestCat015: Fantastic !
Tomboyish44: Thank you!
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