English, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

write a diary entry in 100\-150 words on the topic 'Founder's Day . Share your experiences if you are a founder student . For those who are not, you can record your own experiences of your first day in the school or as a founder student of any other school that you attended in your life, in your diary.​


Answered by guptakashish668


Founders' Day speeches

Isaac Fatukasi – Head Boy

I remember my first day at Addey and Stanhope. I was about a foot shorter and scared to walk around the corner because of the older kids. During the years at this school I have been able to conquer my fears, face my obstacles and break apparent boundaries and this has led me all to talk to you today.

Talking to many young people these days, especially in areas like ours, has shown me that they all seem to lack belief. Instead of thinking to themselves that they can achieve anything they want to, they blame certain political and economic reasons for why they can’t achieve. Negative attitudes won’t get you anywhere; holding yourself back to certain limits will keep you oppressed.

We are lucky that we are all being educated in a school as great as ours; our school gives us the opportunity to achieve to the highest standard. We should acknowledge more the hard work teachers do in trying to help us get those grades and reach our goals.

This school has given me an opportunity that I will be forever grateful for. The traditions, the values and memories are some that I can keep for life.

Year Ten students: I have a particular message for you. This time last year, I had just got the results of my January exams. I was quite shocked and disappointed at my grades- they were not bad, but I knew the kind of student I was and the kind of grades I should be getting, and they weren’t good enough for me. It was a massive wake up call. After that I knuckled down, worked very hard and in the summer got very good results. This time last year, I admit that I was quite arrogant. I thought I could turn up with last minute revision and get an A*. I found out it doesn’t work like that. Life doesn’t work on a last minute basis. You may think you are the king of the hill now, but ten years down the line the guy or girl you are calling too hardworking or a geek will be the leader of tomorrow.

You may be facing a little hiccup in your education. Face your fear of what is ahead and jump over those hurdles – but also, acknowledge the great education and the opportunity Addey and Stanhope has given you.

it may help you

Answered by ketuibol

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