English, asked by dandiwalinder, 1 month ago

Write a diary entry of about 200 words in your notebooks,
describing a day when you achieved something you had
dreamt of for a long time.​


Answered by ChristinaDcosta


this may help you.

Dear Diary,

Today's day was the best day of my life. After 3 years i finally got my dream job. I woke up early today, visited the gym, had a nutritious breakfast and left for the job interview. I was very nervous and I was wondering what if don't get the job, what if i get the job and fire me soon? Then i attended the interview everything went smoothly and i got the job, I worked for atleast 4 years, until  one day my boss called me and told me that he wants me to meet him as soon as possible. i was very scared. On my way to work i started thinking have I done something wrong? When i reached the office, on my way to my boss' cabin everyone was looking at me as if i was going to get fired. I got scared even more. When i reached the cabin, my boss told me that i have got the promotion. I was speechless and at the same time very happy. I appreciated that. I was so happy not because i got the promotion but because i worked hard and achieved something much better.


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