write a diary entry on your you are right hand person spend one entry day during the same thing with your left hand as you have been doing with the right and and vice versa if you are a left hand person prepare a diary entry of spending a day with the other hand
Dear diary,
Today was a very tough day. It was a bad idea wishing to be a left handed person for a day but its efforts are worth realizing the difficulties left handed people face.
The moment I woke up I found my left hand tied up behind my back. My left handed cousin admitted that he/she done so as I wished to be left handed, as I believed in the myth that left handed people are more intelligent.
Since tomorrow we had to submit a project together, I set to work trying to write down my plan, but because of using the left hand(and the spiral binded notebook) to write, my hand writing was like I wrote in my sleep.
Eating breakfast was the next problem. I could barely put the spoon in my mouth, I just keep catapulting the food everywhere.
Cutting paper too was a great problem, especially with my chair having no arm rest for lefties.
At the end of the day, I finally finished the project, but now did I realize that being a lefty didn't make me intelligent. But I now understood the difficulties they lefties face. This day was an experience to remember.
Lawrence of the Australian Engineers, AIF is a primary source which depicts the disconsolate feelings suffered by soldiers, revealing the horrific conditions they endured on the battle front. The conditions at the Front were strenuous, exhausting, frightening, unhygienic and volatile. These horrific surroundings can be understood through the following phrase in Sergeant Lawrence’s diary entry.
“Living in holes in the ground, toiling, sweating and fighting… Here we have been for nineteen weeks in danger of being hit at any minute, bullets flying over and around you day and night and great shells that get you wherever you try to hide and no matter how you dig in. Living in a position in which there is not one single spot immune from bullet or shell, not one single crevice where a man can say ‘I am safe’… (Brasch, 2009)
This expresses the hardship that soldiers tolerated. It is apparent through Sergeant Cyril Lawrence’s diary entry that the soldiers contemplated feelings of misery, fear and horror. Sergeant Lawrence also indicated that many soldiers were taken to hospital with horrific wounds and disease.