write a diary entry that you are Nelson Mandela in the date of 9th and 10th may of 1994
May 9, 1994, 10 PM
Dear Diary,
Today has been my most memorable day in life. After the long struggle for equality, apartheid has finally been abolished. My party ANC, has won a swooping victory in the first ever multiracial election in South Africa. The newly elected Parliament has chosen me as the first president of the post-apartheid era. I will now make history for my country.
How difficult and cruel the past has been. My long imprisonment, the tremendous torture, the tyranny of the whites on us in our very land, have all finally come to an end.
Tomorrow will begin a new era. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Wish me luck.
May 10, 1994, 10 PM
Dear Diary,
I made history today. I took up office as the first black President of South Africa post- apartheid. Millions of my country had flocked to see and hear me give my first Presidential speech. I felt nervous. My voice choked with emotion. How much African blood has been shed for this freedom. This struggle has been a very expensive one. It has been only possible for the sacrifice of so many lives. I pray to the Almighty to grant us strength and wisdom to build a great Nation.
I am too tired and excited. I will write later.