write a eassy about galaxy

A galaxy is a gigantic mass of stars held together by gravity. The largest contain millions of stars. The smallest have just a few million, but even small galaxies are so big that light takes thousands of years to cross them. ... There galaxies are made up of masses of old, red stars that all formed around the same time
what happened sis.
Nearly all the matter in the universe is concentrated in galaxies. A galaxy is a gigantic mass of stars held together by gravity. The largest contain millions of stars. The smallest have just a few million, but even small galaxies are so big that light takes thousands of years to cross them. Despite having so much matter, galaxies are mostly empty space, with vast distances between each star. Our sun and all the stars we can see with the naked eye belong to just one galaxy - the Milky Way. Beyond this lie billions of galaxies stretching as far into space as astronomers can see.
Most galaxies are egg-shaped (elliptical). There galaxies are made up of masses of old, red stars that all formed around the same time. Elliptical galaxies have no gas for making new stars. The elliptical galaxy M87 (left) is the largest galaxy known. It contains 3 million million stars - 15 times as many as our Milky Way. Hidden in its centre is a massive black hole.
hope it's helpful
she sad becuz her friend is banned
I think so