Write a eassy on If you were the decision maker, what measures would you take to control the second wave of Covid-19 in India for class 10th assignment
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The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of COVID-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.
The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of COVID-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.that SARs-COV-2 is a highly infectious and transmissible disease, experts have suggested that it can spread not just by close contact but also through large droplets known as aerosols, released when someone sneezes, coughs, talks or laughs.
The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of COVID-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.that SARs-COV-2 is a highly infectious and transmissible disease, experts have suggested that it can spread not just by close contact but also through large droplets known as aerosols, released when someone sneezes, coughs, talks or laughs.According to a study published in The Lancet journal, consistent and strong evidence suggest that COVID-19 is predominantly transmitted through the air.
The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of COVID-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.that SARs-COV-2 is a highly infectious and transmissible disease, experts have suggested that it can spread not just by close contact but also through large droplets known as aerosols, released when someone sneezes, coughs, talks or laughs.According to a study published in The Lancet journal, consistent and strong evidence suggest that COVID-19 is predominantly transmitted through the air.The same study noted that transmission rates of COVID-19 were much higher indoors than outdoors, and transmission was greatly reduced by indoor ventilation.
The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of COVID-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.that SARs-COV-2 is a highly infectious and transmissible disease, experts have suggested that it can spread not just by close contact but also through large droplets known as aerosols, released when someone sneezes, coughs, talks or laughs.According to a study published in The Lancet journal, consistent and strong evidence suggest that COVID-19 is predominantly transmitted through the air.The same study noted that transmission rates of COVID-19 were much higher indoors than outdoors, and transmission was greatly reduced by indoor ventilation.Similarly, as per the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Based on data from lab of distance from one another is of utmost importance and can help in preventing the spread of the deadly virus. This not only protects us from symptomatic and sick people, but also ensures that we are not infected by people who suffer with no symptoms and are silent carriers. Apart from that, if you feel you are sick with COVID-19, avoid going near anyone, especially the most vulnerable.
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