Write a email to the the editor of the newspaper for complaint against irregular water supply in madhavpur area of junagarh
H-118,Deen Bhag colony, Hyderabad.
September 28,2018
The Editor,
The Hindustan Times, Hyderabad.
I would like to bring to the notice of the authorities, through the columns of your esteemed paper,the problems of water of our locality.
The water is not supplying regularly in my village. The people of my village are very about their crops.we need water supply regularly so that we should be happy.therefore I would request you to please check the errors and supply water regularly. yours faithfully Harish
write a email to the editor of the newspaper for complaint against irregular water supply in your locality.
Mathura Road
New Delhi 110031
date - 12.9.1 2018
the editor
the Hindustan Times
New Delhi
I Crave the hospitality of the columns of your esstemed to draw the attention of local authorities of " water supply departments, " to what the problem of water supply in your locality.