Write a Email to the UNICEF seeking appointment with the ambassador
hi sir o am an educated boy from India I am seeking ur help I know that UNICEF has won the the noble price
Learning Circles Children’s Rights - June 2015
Selection of 21 remarkable
Letters to UNICEF
Individual assignment – peer learning – in peerScholar
Oukba Ibnu Nafiaa, Morocco,
student 1, Aabla (17):
Hay molay smail,
Dear UNICEF President,
Hi, my name is Aabla. I am 17 years old. I live in Assa, which is a small town in the south of Morocco.
In this project, I have learnt many information and expand my knowledge about the rights of
children. But, when people don't give the children their rights, there will be a lot of problems, which
have negative effects on every child in the world.
I am writing this letter to tell you about the right to say one's own opinion. Every child has the right
to say his or her opinion, but the responsible people in each country have to take it into
consideration. As we can see that a lot of children have different problems and illnesses due to the
lack of expressing their opinions and views. They are deprived the right to express themselves.
Imagine if all countries give the right to children to voice their thoughts, beliefs, and problems. There
will be less problems that face our children in the world. I have chosen to talk about this right to be
added among the children's rights because I see many children all over the world are lacking this
right. For me, if you express your opinion, then you participate in the change of your world.
Yours sincerely,