English, asked by mahesh2720, 10 months ago

write a email to your friend expressing your views on the use of computer in mordorn world in about 70 to 80 wards.


Answered by GIZEM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Hi! :)

Hi Saumya,

How are you doing?

You know dad just bought me Apple's Mac-book Pro. Don't you think we are totally dependent on computers? How ironic!

About two hundred years before, the word "computer" started to appear in the dictionary. Some people even didn't know what is a computer? However, most of the people today not just knowing what is a computer, but understand how to use a computer. Therefore, computer becomes more and more popular and important to our society. We can use computer everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our life.  

Computers have brought about a tremendous revolution in every walk of life and are expected to open more vast fields due to the dexterity of those who design software and those who develop application programs. In a very short period, scientists have been able to extirpate all the defects, the limitations and the shortcoming of computer and much is expected from their ingenuity, acumen and acquisitiveness.

The fields of application of computers are various and new applications are being searched out. The scientists applied it to prediction of weather earthquakes, and storms, controlling of satellites and controlling of atomic reactions in reactors and else where. Engineers have not lagged behind. They use computers in designing cars aeroplanes, ships, buildings, bridges and tools etc.

In the business world, computers are playing great parts. They are used to word processing, record keeping, inventory controlling, patrol processing, account keeping and auditing, stock marketing and ticket reservations. They are now used to keep personal telephone and address directory. Business concerns user computers in forecasting demands and planning to meet them. Manufacturing concerns use them in forecasting material requirements, inventory management, production scheduling, control and other purposes

Bank now use them to keep records of day to day transactions, keeping accounts and managing over all investment. Computers have been placed at the hands of bank customers. This provides facility of making withdrawals at odd hours. Financial houses take the help of the computers to make their credit cards a medium of exchange. For entertainment purposes, computers are now used to play complex games, I.Q games and stimulation game. Computers have also played a vital role in communication field. It has become so advantageous that the 21st century is being called “information century” because information can easily be transferred from one place to another within seconds by using internet. We can convey are messages , send reports with audio visual accessories.

But computers don’t have only merits. As all man-made things have their limitations, weaknesses and shortcoming, so are the computers wrought with them. Firstly they have inflexibility. They understand only symbols. Secondly they need detailed instructions to work. Thirdly they are costly and their peripheral devices are far most costly than the equipment themselves. Fourthly the cost of maintenance is also high. Fifthly the cost of operation in terms of staff and material is expensive. Also, in particular circumstances stored data may be completely lost, moreover they are susceptible to destructive programs called virus and they need extra care in handling and maintenance.

Despite the aforesaid frailties, foibles and faults they are tempted with, computers are widely acclaimed, intensively used and blindly relied upon. Their applications are increasing in various fields and they are expected to do services so far not imagined by man.

Well do tell me your views on computers too!



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