English, asked by anu5913, 11 months ago

Write a essay about how social media has changed our lives ​


Answered by jiya9614

Introduction The world has never before been connected as much as it is today. One’s ability to communicate through various mediums is rapidly advancing, and this is much thanks to social media. Social media can be defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. As a phenomenon of only the past couple of decades, it has certainly changed the way we live our everyday lives. Whether socially or professionally, it opens the door to incredible amounts of information; most of which is freely shared. There is an old saying of, “it is not the amount of knowledge you acquire that matters, it what you do with the knowledge that matters.” With the amount of knowledge shared by people, one could easily take that knowledge and offer a product worth purchasing. For this paper, assuming that I am a small business owner, I will examine the power of doing so through various means of social media. Each site I use will be broken down, and I will give an in-depth look as to what techniques and approaches used for promoting my brand. Let’s take a look, starting with the company and its mission. The Product At only twenty-one years old, I am assured of one thing: everyone loves to represent. Representation could include one’s beliefs, lifestyle, or maybe a sports team they like.

Answered by nandini8453


Social Media: Changing Our Society Electricity was first introduced to society hundreds of years ago; the way people communicate began to change in many different ways since then. New inventions helped people build more sophisticate tools to build better places to live and work. This new inventions changed the way we live now days; they make our lives much easier. In the decade of the 1920's when radio was first introduced to public, people begin buying it and using it more and more.

Social networking has become a major part of society.The positive effects of social networking sites are allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. And the other is social networking sites make people share everything that they want and bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. Social media has changed the way people think and how they communicate. It’s incredible to see how social media has become such a big part of our daily lives.

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