Write a essay on albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1878 in Ulm, Germany- His parents Herman and Rauline Einstein were very worried about young Einstein because he was very slow to learn how to speak. When he was young he had no mark of being genius. He was the worst in class. When he was young his paifents moved several times looking for a place to open businesses. His parents settled in Italy when he was 15. He soon was expelled from school in Germany and joined his family in Italy. He finished high school in Switzerland; where he graduated with a teaching degree from the “Swiss Federal Institufte of Technology.” However he did not find a job until 1902. At the Swiss patent office, he worked there for seven years. lfln 1903, he married Maria Marie. Albt’ert Einstein conceptualized the theories of general relativitfty and special relativity. He came to realize that the univers^e was not made up of three dimensional space as was corflnmonly accepted, but four dimensional space-time. The fouirth dimension being that of time. Einstein made other great di iiscoveries, such as the speed of light.