English, asked by horserider, 1 year ago

Write a essay on change


Answered by GEETANSH02163
It is true that people perceive change in different ways. Some members of the community believe that change is always for the better, while others think otherwise. 

Those who are in favor of change may argue that it poses a possibility for a particular person to improve him- or herself, both mentally and socially. From the mental perspective, changes relating to traveling and receiving education help one broaden one's mind and learn something new. As for the social perspective - it is empathy for others that he or she may acquire after suffering changes in his or her private life, because it is known that those who experienced various changes in relationships with their family or acquaintances may then better understand other people's feelings. This way, change improves not only person's mental, but also social and private aspect.

Change is in the very nature of being. Every new day is different from the previous day. Body metabolism is one such process as also growth of trees and revolving of planets. Tides come and go. Sometimes a whole river changes its course as was the case with the Saraswati.

The great insight of the enlightened, Gautam the Buddha, was the everything that is, will change and the changed will change further. Hence, one must neither get attached to joy (happiness) because that will pass away; nor get depressed with sorrow (suffering) because that too will pass away. Nothing is really permanent in this world. 

In contrast, those who avoid changes point out the difficulties to readapt to them that many people experience. For instance, some large companies, Finnair for example, practice giving professional psychological and medicine support to those employees who were sacked due to companies' structural changes. Apparently, such policies infer that a spate of people may suffer from the difficulty to accustom to the changes and find their new way in life. In addition, it can be pointed out that changes regarding private affairs not always make a person better. For many people such changes simply cause a nervous breakdown, and, again, may jeopardize their health, since psychological aspect of a person is tightly connected to his or her general well-being. 

In conclusion, my view of the problem is that change is an indispensable part of our lives, so people should accept this fact and try to learn how to tackle it rather than avoid it, which is impossible. 

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Answered by Monika2002
CHANGE is of course not possible in our country cause the people are habituated with wrong things.
We can CHANGE only when PEOPLE CHANGE.
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