English, asked by priyaltanmay, 4 months ago

Write a essay on - Do trees and plants have a kind of consciousness?​


Answered by tejumalyam


Well, lets define first consciousness; sometimes people misunderstand consciousness with being self-aware but you will understand in a second that that is not entirely true.

Consciousness is the fundamental process of cybernetics which is the science of self-regulation through feedback loop.

We say plants are the lowest caste, the pariahs because they don’t have brains, they don’t move, they don’t have big brown eyes. Flies and insects have eyes, so they are a bit higher, but not so high as monkeys and apes and so on. I want to remove trees from this caste system. This hierarchical ranking of living beings is totally unscientific. Plants process information just as animals do, but for the most part they do this much more slowly.

So , trees and plants have consciousness. It’s different than ours, but they feel JOY when humans connect with them and acknowledge them. It’s like how we feel joy when we walk through nature because we are feeling their acknowledgement of us. We may not be conscious of it, but our hearts feel joy from this connection.

For every sensor there is an input, which is processed and then produces an output. Then the outcome of the output comes back as an input again so to balance the next output in the most optimistic way. (Learning, naturally through storage)

This single process makes evolution possible. This process is consciousness. We can think of consciousness as a category that enfolds the conscious and the unconscious states.

When you feel conscious (whether of yourself or an object of your surroundings) that is one of the unconscious workings; you don’t know how to make the feeling of conscious real, you just feel it; making real the feeling of being conscious its the unconscious workings, which is done by the scheme of the inputs and outputs.

The conscious is an activity that happens in the pre-frontal area of the neocortex, and the other areas of the brain are working in parallel in order for ‘you’ to feel conscious. For example, the beating of your heart, or the blue color of the sky. And may I also remind you that your body was at the workings of consciousness when you learned to walk, while your conscious was yet unconscious.

The conscious is one kind of consciousness while the other activities remain unknown to us, i.e. unconscious to us, but they have their own consciousness different to the conscious we experience.

So, plants have their own consciousness, just like one part of your nervous system has the ability to control your blood-flow, plants have their own systems to control e.g. photosynthesis.

Answered by swapnaBinu

this is your answer..

pls mark me brainliest....

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