Write a essay on Mahatma Gandhi In Me. Any inappropriate wrong answers will be reported.
The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (Gandhi Jayanti) is celebrated on October 2 as a national event across India. This day is observed across the entire world as the International Day of Non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi contributed tirelessly and selflessly in India’s freedom struggle for Independence. Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals were satya (truth) and ahimsa (non violence). Through his philosophy of truth and non-violence, he paved the way for India’s Independence from Britishers. For this reason, Mahatma Gandhi was called the Father of the Nation. He was the harbinger of hope for not only for India but the world.
Not only did Mahatma Gandhi contribute significantly in India’s freedom struggle against the Britishers, but through his profound vision inspired people across the world to raise their voice against any kind of discrimination – be it on the basis of caste, color, religion, to name a few. Mahatma Gandhi’s profound quote, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” aptly sums up his significant selfless contribution for India.
An iconoclastic selfless man, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 to Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi and Putlibai, in a Hindu merchant caste family in Porbandar, Gujarat.
He pursued law for one year at the University of Bombay and later he moved to University College London from where he graduated in 1891. Mahatma Gandhi was admitted to the Bar Council of England. He practiced law in Bombay (now known as Mumbai) for a year and later went to South Africa, where he experienced racism. Mahatma Gandhi first employed non-violent civil disobedience in South Africa, in the resident Indian community’s struggle for civil rights. His non-violence and satyagraha were the tools through which he was able to lead India to achieve Independence without shedding a drop of blood.
Mahatma Gandhi inspired people with his famous quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”He did practice non-violence, truth and self restraint. While he was in London, he became more committed towards a vegetarian diet and motivated others to adopt vegetarian diet as well. The Father of the Nation believed in simple living and high thinking. He lived simply, used to wear traditional Indian dhoti and a shawl, woven with yarn hand-spun on a ‘charkha’. He abstained from meat, alcohol and promiscuity. Mahatma Gandhi undertook long fasts as a mark of political protest as well as self-restraint.
In 1916, Mahatma Gandhi was arrested for organizing civil resistance of tens of thousands of landless farmers and serfs in the Champaran district of Bihar, India. Through the Champaran Satyagraha of 1916, Mahatma Gandhi along with the farmers and serfs opposed the increasing tax levied on farmers by the British during the devastating famine. With his steely determination, Gandhi startled Britishers in 1930 with his 440 km long walk on foot to the ocean. It was primarily to oppose the British salt monopoly and lead Indians to challenge the British imposed salt tax. Dandi Salt March is laid down in history, where approximately 60,000 people were imprisoned an an outcome of the protest march.
Gandhi believed that all human beings are God’s special people and must be treated equally irrespective of their caste, color, language, creed, region, religion and ethnicity. Mahatma Gandhi believed in religious pluralism and campaigned for the empowerment of Untouchables- whom he called Harijans (the children of God). In 1942, Gandhi urged Indians to stop cooperating with the British and called for Quit India movement.
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Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Probander India. Gandhi's real name is Mohandas. He is called Mahatma because Mahatma means "Great Soul" and was called this for his mind on the matter of Indian rights. He was devoted to helping the
Indian people. His early child hood was that of interest. As a normal young boy he was a shy but serious. He spent his time playing with a few of his close friends. Gandhi's parents class of Hindu was called the "Vaisya" the merchant class. I searched and searched but it is still unknown to me whether Gandhi had any brothers and sisters.
Gandhi got married at the age of 13 to a woman named Kasturba. Now like all the weddings of this time and in India it was an arranged marriage and that just means that his parents chose who and when he would marry. Usually the woman that is being married her family gives a " dowry" as payment being married to their son. A dowry can be anything from cows to whole farms and huge businesses.
The first years of Gandhi's marriage he and his wife had four children. Gandhi moved to England to study law and politics and started to work at a law firm soon realizing he could not succeed at this profession. He then went to South Africa and lived there for twenty one years from 1893 to 1914. He worked on achieving the Indian rights bill. At that time Indians were ridiculed everywhere and could not even walk down the street.
One of the most important things about Gandhi, especially early in his life was that he fought materialism and egotistic behavior since he was a lawyer with stature who was fairly well to do. He did have a streak of anger or temper, even with his wife.