write a essay on rainfall in india
Rainfall is a natural process in which atmospheric vapour changes into water. The water so formed then travels from atmosphere to earth. The term precipitation is also used for rainfall.
Rainfall occurs when the capacity of an air mass to hold the vapour exceeds because of the following reasons:
(1) Hot air has large capacity to hold the vapour particles in suspension. When air gets cooled the capacity of air mass to hold vapour particles is reduced and the vapour precipitates in the form of water.
(2) Sometimes variations in pressure bring about the change of state from vapour to rainfall.
The yearly, monthly or daily rainfall is expressed in centimetres or millimetres of depth over a particular area which receives the precipitation.
Definition of One Centimetre Rainfall:
Suppose the water precipitated on a certain plain area in the form of a rainfall is not lost in any manner and if there is no runoff and evaporation whatsoever then all the water will go on accumulating on the surface of the area in the form of a layer. When the layer of this deposited water is one centimetre thick, it is said that one centimetre rainfall has occurred.