write a essay on Relevance of Gandhian principles in the digital era
Gandhism contains the ideas and the body of work of the father of the nation, Mohandas
karamchand Gandhi. Gandhism primarily comprises of Gandhiji’s contributions to the
conception of non-violent struggle, also called civil resistance. Truth and Non-violence are the
main stay of Gandhism.
Gandhiji has been called a bodhisattva by Prof. Ramjee Singh. In fact, bodhisattva is
a Sanskrit term which basically means a person who, driven by empathy, has engendered
bodhicitta, which is an unprompted, on the spur wish to attain Buddhahood. This is deemed to
be for the benefit of all responsive and sensitive beings. In fact, Bodhisattvas are a well-liked
subject in Buddhist art of the twentieth century.
Gandhiji did not quite approve of the concept of 'Gandhism'. He explained the rationale for
his disapproval by saying that there was no such concept as "Gandhism". He did not believe in
leaving behind any sect after him. Moreover, he did not claim to have created or conceptualized
any principle or doctrine that had hitherto not existed in the past. He claimed to have made
a simple attempt to relate the eternal truths to peoples’ daily lives and problems that exist.
The opinions that he formed and the conclusions derived were not final.