English, asked by shabaz1031, 8 months ago

Write a essay on struggles for equality for 150 words.

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Answered by Anonymous

\sf\red{Struggles\: for \:Equality:}

The struggle for equality means the fight or the threat that joined all of the life is that they have been aforethought unequally. We know and headed a lot of historical stories about unequality and the struggle for equality and issues of the faced also in many other ways we know there is inequality In our surroundings as well as in our country. But according to Indian law, there us a law "rights to equality" - This is that all the citizens of our country try should be treated equally without discrimination based on colour, casts, gender, rich or poor, etc.

But treating people unequally and discriminating them is against the rules and laws of our Indian constitution. All the citizens are equal before the law as well, no person should be discriminated against. Hence, of the religion, sex, casts, colour etc.. As mentioned above.

All the adults and senior citizens of our country have the equal rights to vote during an election, but in most of the places in our countries, many people are not allowed for voting due to looking rich or poor.

Even for equality our country has struggled once for freedom and we finally got independent in 1947 - 15th August. Similarly, there are many people around the world they suggest for equality To get equality people generally come together to fight against this.

And also there are many organizations for fighting for the displaced. In the past women were not given equality compared to men and there was discriminated as well they were not allowed to learn and go to school.

But nowadays, the equality started rising and women as well getting equatitly, women are getting equality like men in all ways, they are getting educated, they are allowed for voting as well they can join politics and be a policians as well.



Answered by Anonymous

\Huge{\underline{\underline{\sf{EQUALITY \colon}}}}

Equality is a feeling of emotional well being,why do I say so? Equality is integral in every domain of life : political equality,social equality, economic equality and it goes on. One is said to be politically equal to others,if has the right to vote and participate in elections. Same goes for social equality. Economic equality is another thing,it depends on wealth, which is variable in our life. Everyone seeks for equality, though only some achieve it.

Political Equality

A lot has changed in political domain since our independence. Earlier,women lacked in political participation and opportunities. But now,the situation is better as women have 33 percent of seats reserved to them in local assemblies and Rajya Sabha. The so called backward castes are also given enough chances for political participation and represention.

Economic Equality

Some things don't stay forever,money is one of those things. For instance,Jeff Bezos who started from a small bookstore on streets in now the CEO of Amazon and world's second richest person. Money can do weird things to humans. Rags to Riches or Riches to Rags. This implies that economic equality is not stable.

Gender Equality

This has been a burning topic for quite some time and still persists to be! Back then, women were limited to the four walls of the house but today,a woman is doing this which where unheard of in the past. Men and Women are considered to be equal in all spheres of life. This reminds me of a saying,"A wife isn't someone whom you keep above the head or beneath you,but beside you,symbolising equality of the male and female sex." Division of labor in household is also getting changed.

Apart from all this,we all are equal before our constitution. Me, you and everyone is safe guarded and punished with the same set of rules.

Racial Discrimination

Often,people are discriminated on the basis of their caste,creed,colour,gender and so on. We should understand being dark has nothing to do with superiority of one race. People who are dark have abundance of melatonin which affects their skin pigmentation. This is more of survival trait,since in the sub continent and savanna, duration of sunlight is more.

"A lot has been done,but a lot has to be done still." Afterall,there is always scope for betterment



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