English, asked by maroofrizwan4, 3 months ago

Write a essay on your school tifen time​


Answered by abhisp888

Break in-between continuous work comes as a long- awaited tonic. No wonder, students too are found eagerly waiting for their lunch-break during their long, regular study- Periods. The bell for the recess makes them spring to activity. It provides a welcome relief and change from studies and makes them run to eat and play outside.

Students move out of their classrooms excitedly with their tiffin-boxes in their hands. They sit down with their friends in the corridors of the school to have their lunch together. Those without lunch-boxes make a bee-line to the canteen to buy snacks for themselves. Many rush to the canteen, after having their home-cooked food, for a cold drink or an ice-cream.

Most children finish-off their lunch fast. Without losing any time, they move to play and then comes the noisiest time in the school. It is the time when you find nothing except chattering, laughing and playing.

pls mark me brainliest !!

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