English, asked by tehlilshafiq, 1 year ago

write a essay on youth is a period of stress and strain with introdunction advantages and disadvantages conclusion​


Answered by Anonymous


Youth have the easy life, right? Wrong. While it may seem that most youth just go to school, talk on the phone for hours, play video games, and watch TV, they actually have more responsibilities and stress then most imagine. Research from the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan found that preteens spend an average of eight hours more a week at school, two hours more on sports, three hours more on chores and fewer hours watching TV or relaxing than preteens did 16 years ago. They also found that out of 8,000 high school students and people in their early 20s, nearly two-thirds of the correspondents feel stressed out at least once a week. Many youth try to squeeze in schoolwork, friends, TV, fitness, clubs, and sleep all from the time they leave school until they have to get ready for school the next morning. As a result, stress is a major problem for youths. This is shown in the academics, home, and in their extracurricular activities.


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