CBSE BOARD XII, asked by qwwertyasdfgh, 1 year ago

write a essay within 350 words on 'The Greatest Threat to Our Planet Is the Belief That Someone Else Will Save It'...


Answered by Anonymous
The planet earth and the life on it are facing myriads of problems. They have grown so serious that one doubts about the habitability of earth for the generations to come. Survival will become a real struggle for them, as the things stand at present. The global warming has already begun to show its mark. The sea level has risen considerably submerging many low-lying islands in the ocean.

Pollution has gone literally sky high. The life on earth is threatened in every way. The forests are dwindling at a fast rate creating all kinds of problems like drought, land slides etc. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is reducing and the carbon dioxide level is increasing. We all know the role played by the trees and other vegetation in balancing the levels of these two gases.

After listing the main problems of this earth, it is time to think how to remedy it or rather who will find remedies to these problems. The immediate answer will be 'the government and the concerned authorities'. But then, who are these 'concerned authorities'? What are they supposed to do to solve the diverse problems faced by various parts of the world? The problems and their effects are so divers that it is difficult to prescribe a common strategy to deal with them. The common man tends to hoist the responsibilities to the shoulders of the 'government' and the 'authorities' and go about his own business comfortably. This has been the policy of mankind from time immemorial; put the blame and responsibility on others and escape.

But now the time has come for each of the earthlings to take up his own responsibility of preserving this planet for himself and the coming generations. But again, it is the habit of man in general, to think that the impact he himself makes on the problem is negligible. He thinks that if he uses a highly polluting vehicle it doesn't make a difference. If he cuts down a tree for his needs that is alright because it is only one tree after all! 

He expects others to follow the norms and make a difference. We know that there should be a general awareness about these things. But who will go about spreading this awareness? Of course, somebody else, because we are busy with our lives. 
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