English, asked by ajayjanwa30, 3 months ago

write a few lines on plastic pollution in 80 words​


Answered by hansika650

Essay on Plastic Pollution: For a long time now, plastic pollution in the environment has been a topic of great concern. Plastic is a toxic material, and it pollutes the water bodies – lakes, rivers, ponds etc.

In whichever way we can, we should try to appease the effects of plastic pollution on the environment. The topic of plastic pollution is common for students who have to write compositions on this particular topic.

Long and Short Essays on Plastic Pollution for Students and Children in English

Essay on Plastic Pollution is an essential topic for students in school. Long and short essays come for their assignments and examinations.

Long Essay on Plastic Pollution in English 500 Words

Plastic Pollution essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Plastic is a very convenient and useful material in our day-to-day life and daily chores. It is used widely by people all across the globe owing to its versatile uses. However, it does have a lot of cons. One of the worst disadvantages of plastic is that it contains toxic substances. It causes pollution in nature; it is also responsible for deaths of birds and marine animals.

Plastic has found its use in every sector of the economy – beginning from supermarkets to households. It is user-friendly and is in use for almost any purpose. It is because it is cheap and serves a lot of applications. It also has the edge over alternatives such as cloth or paper due to its re-usability. It is very appropriate for use; it can also be moulded into shapes as per one’s requirements.

On the one hand, these are the pros of plastic. On the other hand, plastic is a non-biodegradable material; that is, it cannot be dissolved or burnt out; it can only be dumped – this means that it remains on the surface of the earth forever; it is not destructible. Owing to this non-biodegradable property of plastic, it is one of the most dangerous pollutants in nature.

Plastic pollution is spreading through the environment like wildfire. It has many adverse effects upon the lives of human beings, animals and plants alike. We need to collectively fight it and try to be as careful as possible.

Every year, across the world, tons of plastic and plastic materials are dumped into rivers, lakes and ocean waters. Plastic is undissolvable. It does not dissolve in the water; it either keeps afloat or settles down on the surface. This way, the water gets polluted to a great extent.

Just like in water bodies, a million tonnes of plastic is dumped on land as well. Plastic has many harmful and toxic effects. We tend to discard the wasted and used plastic materials in pits, landfills etc. The soil gets contaminated, in turn; the fertility is affected to a great extent. Furthermore, the plastic dumped acts as the breeding and gathering ground for various disease-carrying insects. The health of the people around gets affected.

Plastic pollution also has its due impacts upon underwater marine wildlife and plantlife. The plastic dumped in the water does not dissolve. They can be mistaken as food materials by fishes and other aquatic animals; eating up the plastic causes intoxication and prolonged choking.

These are the ways how plastic throws a harmful impact on the environment and its atmospheres. These were only a few ways, but the adverse effects of plastic and the pollution caused by it is felt in every sector. To minimise the damage done, we should be careful in our practices and uses of plastic. There is no way in which the destruction which has Hence We should learn to be more attentive and alert in future for the sake of saving the world and nature.

Short Essay on Plastic Pollution in English 150 Words

Plastic Pollution essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

At the very core of it, plastic pollution is the dumping and accumulation of plastic and other plastic-based materials on land, and in water bodies – like rivers, lakes, ponds and ocean. Vinyl is a synthetic polymer, which is composed of various organic and inorganic compounds; its diverse composition makes it non-biodegradable. It cannot be broken down into smaller compounds and disposed of forever. It persists and lingers on the earth’s surface, even after it is dumped. For this reason, the impact created by plastic pollution is widespread. Since it is not capable of being reduced, it is dangerous. For this reason, we should control our usage of plastic and similar plastic materials or products

Answered by Anonymous

Few lines on plastic pollution are -

  1. Plastic is a commonly used entity that was introduced to ease the daily life of humans. Although the long term usage has resulted in harm to not only humans but also to environment. Accumulation of plastic is the cause of plastic pollution.
  2. Plastic pollution has adverse effect over human health, wildlife, plants by releasing toxic pollutants. Moreover, plastic degradation is another problem, as it takes around thousand years to degrade.  
  3. Plastic pollutants are of varied sizes thus increasing the potential to damage. There are microplastics, mesoplastics and macroplastic debris in environment.
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