English, asked by siddharthpandey014, 1 year ago

write a few lines trees.butterflies,grass,flower,brids,bees​


Answered by Armankhanssj3


The trees grow tall,now the birds have a hall

With flower here there , butterfly and bees rowming everwhere


Answered by p0tka


Trees stand watching while wind blows by

Gentle waves can be seen in the green sea of grass.

Birds busy chirping away, as if they're writing the best selling songs.

Flowers peeking up to the sky,

Bees and butterflies having a ball in this moment; and I realise, what a wonderful world.


(poet is a bystander in a park who sees this scene)

Trees stand still while the leaves move with the gentle breeze in spring and the same breeze causes waves in the thick, swaying grass as if it were a sea(because the grass is thick) birds are making new tunes and have been compared to singers coming up with their best selling songs while the flowers are looking up towards the sky (as they usually face the sky) the bees and butterflies are dancing around above the flowers and in rhythm to the song sung by the birds

And this all makes the writer realise what a truly wonderful world it is :)

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