Write a java program called cozalozawoza which prints number 1 to 110, 11 number per line. the program shall prints coza in place of the number which multiple of 3,loza of multiple of 5,woza of multiple of 7, cozaloza of multiple of 3 and 5 and so on
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Write a java program called DoReMe which prints the numbers 1 to 110, 11 numbers per line.The program shall print "Do" in place of the numbers which are multiples of 3, "Re" for multiples of 5, "Mi" for multiples of 7, "DoRe" for multiples of 3 and 5, and so on.The output shall look like:DoReMe Output1 2 Do 4 Re Do Mi 8 Do Re 11Do 13 Mi DoRe 16 17 Do 19 Re DoMi 2223 Do Re 26 Do Mi 29 DoRe 31 32 Doetc......Expert Answer100% (1rating)Ans) public class FixedlinesTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String s= null; int count=0; int i = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(i=1;i<=110;i++){ s = Integer.toString(i);//...view the full answer
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