Computer Science, asked by kv6474190, 11 months ago

Write a Java program to display the grade of a student along with a student along with a message. The grade and the message to be displayed as per percentage are given above:

Create this program using the if-else if construct.​



Answered by SHIVAfaf


This program calculates the grade of a student based on the marks entered by user in each subject. Program prints the grade based on this logic.

If the average of marks is >= 80 then prints Grade ‘A’

If the average is <80 and >=60 then prints Grade ‘B’

If the average is <60 and >=40 then prints Grade ‘C’

else prints Grade ‘D’

To understand this Program you should have the knowledge of following concepts of Java:

Java For Loop

Arrays in Java

if..else-if in Java

Example: Program to display the grade of student

import java.util.Scanner;

public class JavaExample


public static void main(String args[])


/* This program assumes that the student has 6 subjects,

* thats why I have created the array of size 6. You can

* change this as per the requirement.


int marks[] = new int[6];

int i;

float total=0, avg;

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

for(i=0; i<6; i++) {

System.out.print("Enter Marks of Subject"+(i+1)+":");

marks[i] = scanner.nextInt();

total = total + marks[i];



//Calculating average here

avg = total/6;

System.out.print("The student Grade is: ");





else if(avg>=60 && avg<80)




else if(avg>=40 && avg<60)











Enter Marks of Subject1:40

Enter Marks of Subject2:80

Enter Marks of Subject3:80

Enter Marks of Subject4:40

Enter Marks of Subject5:60

Enter Marks of Subject6:60

The student Grade is: B

Answered by shlokhroychowdhuri



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args)


 int a;

 int b;

 int c;

 int d;

 int e;

 int f;

 int g;

 float percentage;

 Scanner input=new Scanner(;

 System.out.println("Full Marks : 80");

 System.out.println("Marks of 7 subjects : (80 x 7) = 560");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of SST");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of L2");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of ENG");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of COMP");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of SCI");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of L3");


 System.out.println ("Enter marks of MATH");



 if (percentage>=80)


     System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : A+. EXCELLENT JOB!");


 else if (percentage>=75)


     System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : A. WELL DONE!");


 else if (percentage>=70)


     System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : B. SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE!");


 else if (percentage>=66.5)


    System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : C. YOU CAN DO BETTER!");


 else if (percentage>=50)


     System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : D. PERFORMANCE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!");




     System.out.println("Your percentage is : "+percentage+"%");

     System.out.println("Your grade : E. YOU FAILED! STUDY HARD!");




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