Write a java program to input name and mobile numbers of all employees of any office. Using "Linear Search", search array of phone numbers for a given "mobile number" and print name of employee if found, otherwise print a suitable message.
This program uses linear search algorithm to find out a number among all other numbers entered by user.
/* Program: Linear Search Example * Written by: Chaitanya from beginnersbook.com * Input: Number of elements, element's values, value to be searched * Output:Position of the number input by user among other numbers*/ import java.util.Scanner; class LinearSearchExample { public static void main(String args[]) { int counter, num, item, array[]; //To capture user input Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter number of elements:"); num = input.nextInt(); //Creating array to store the all the numbers array = new int[num]; System.out.println("Enter " + num + " integers"); //Loop to store each numbers in array for (counter = 0; counter < num; counter++) array[counter] = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the search value:"); item = input.nextInt(); for (counter = 0; counter < num; counter++) { if (array[counter] == item) { System.out.println(item+" is present at location "+(counter+1)); /*Item is found so to stop the search and to come out of the * loop use break statement.*/ break; } } if (counter == num) System.out.println(item + " doesn't exist in array."); } }
Output 1:
Enter number of elements: 6 Enter 6 integers 22 33 45 1 3 99 Enter the search value: 45 45 is present at location 3
Output 2:
Enter number of elements: 4 Enter 4 integers 11 22 4 5 Enter the search value: 99 99 doesn't exist in array.
please mark my answer the brainliest answer
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