write a java program to reverse the link using stack
Program to reverse a linked list using Stack. Given a ... Traverse the list and push all of its nodes onto a stack. ... Java program to reverse linked list ... Write(head. data + ...
I hope this answers will be help you.
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// C/C++ program to reverse linked list
// using stack
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* Link list node */
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
/* Given a reference (pointer to pointer) to
the head of a list and an int, push a new
node on the front of the list. */
void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data)
struct Node* new_node = new Node;
new_node->data = new_data;
new_node->next = (*head_ref);
(*head_ref) = new_node;
// Function to reverse linked list
Node *reverseList(Node* head)
// Stack to store elements of list
stack<Node *> stk;
// Push the elements of list to sstack
Node* ptr = head;
while (ptr->next != NULL) {
ptr = ptr->next;
// Pop from stack and replace
// current nodes value'
head = ptr;
while (!stk.empty()) {
ptr->next = stk.top();
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr->next = NULL;
return head;
// Function to print the Linked list
void printList(Node* head)
while (head) {
cout << head->data << " ";
head = head->next;
// Driver Code
int main()
/* Start with the empty list */
struct Node* head = NULL;
/* Use push() to construct below list
1->2->3->4->5 */
push(&head, 5);
push(&head, 4);
push(&head, 3);
push(&head, 2);
push(&head, 1);
head = reverseList(head);
return 0;