Computer Science, asked by griya1109, 9 months ago

Write a java program which initialization earning of an employee. The
program should calculate the income tax to be paid by the employee as per the
criteria given below:
Slab rate IT rate
Upto Rs. 50,000 Nil
Upto Rs. 60,000 10% on additional amount
Upto Rs. 1,50,000 20% on additional amount
Above Rs. 1,50,000 30% on additional amount


Answered by saranyadinesh119


cgggc!$23%&:+/=876543246889009753212468-+$#"/()(()?? :53125899

Answered by 570005


java program which initialization earning of an employee. The program should calculate the income tax to be paid by the employee as per the criteria given below:Slab rate IT rate Upto Rs. 50,000 Nil Upto Rs. 60,000 10% on additional amount Upto Rs. 1,50,000 20% on additional amount Above Rs. 1,50,000 30% on additional amount

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