Write a latter to the editor of a newspaper about the demerits of using plastic in siliguri
YYY Street
21 February 2019
The editor
ABC Newspaper
Dear Sir
I would like to bring to your notice the demerits of using plastic in Siliguri, a beautiful city of west Bengal at the foothills of Himalayas. But the beauty of the place is in danger of pollution and contamination. The use of plastics by the locals and the tourist have resulted in water and soil pollution. The Expert Committee on Landslides in 2000 have attributed plastics for choking the drains, diverting water sources and triggering landslides.
Though the Government has banned the use of plastics, the effect can be achieved only when the people really recognize the need to avoid plastics and gradually decrease their use. So I request you to publish this message in your newspaper
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Sir close to our office there is a lodging society,which disposes of a great deal of trash close to our office and exceptionally it comprises of plastics sacks.
Many stray creatures assign there and attempt to wreck it gravely.
What's more, a large number of them additionally eat the plastics, so sir it's my caring solicitation to you that please take some vital activities against that society not in view of rubbish, however it influences our condition very seriously.