Write a leave letter to your class teacher for brothers marriage for one week in kannada
The Principal,
(School Name),
(School Address).
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am (name) writing this application letter to let you know that I can not attend my class between the (start date ) to (end-date) due to my brother's wedding function. For this reason, I need to leave for 3 days' leave.
Kindly accept my leave application and grant me leave. I will be thankful for this favor.
Yours Sincerely,
(Your name),
(Class & section).
(Roll number).
Date=26 jan. 2021
My dear mam,
How are you ? I am telling you that please mam I am just for 1 week leave for my brothers marriage in Canada I hope you say yes for my brothers marriage.please mam
answer me ...
your affectional student
Nimreen Seth