English, asked by bindurani356, 1 year ago

Write a leter to controller of Distic Transports Authority complaining aganist auto rickshaw driver of charging excess fare ​


Answered by charumannem


31 A, Kamla Nagar,


18th May, 2020

The Regional Transport Officer Delhi

Dear Sir,

With due respect I want to draw your kind attention against a rickshaw driver for overcharging fare from my house to Bara Tooti. The  rickshaw No. is DLR 8480.

It was eight in the morning and I took the scooter from Kamla Nagar. When I reached Bara Tooti the reading in the meter was Rs.7.80:

He demanded Rs. 35/- for the fare which was more than the conversion rates. I requested him to show me the chart to which he refused and he started using obscene language. To save my skin I paid him Rs. 35.

I, write this letter to request you to take necessary action against him.

Thanking you

Yours truly,


please mark as brainliest

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