Write a letten in 200-250 words to you grandmother describing in details the out time you cooked something. Use thee questions as hints: when was the first you cooked what inspired you to cook, where did you get recipe from? ) Did you have Were you nervous ou excitede How long did the process I what did you cocks How did the dish turn oute any help?
Hope that helps you a lot dear

My grandma is my cooking inspiration, not baking. Unlike tradition says, my grandma bakes TERRIBLE cookies. She never follows a recipe and is very liberal with adding her garden herbs to every dish. My childhood was spent in the kitchen with my grandma, helping to tackle her latest catering order. I was known as the meatball girl (she still sometimes calls me that) and rolled 5,000+ meatballs in my career as co-caterer – this isn’t made up, we tallied after every job! While my grandma is long retired from her catering business, we still bond over our latest cooking adventures, vintage Le Creusets and cutting boards (she just gave me her chopping block from the 60s!). I love to see her face light up when she tries something I’ve made and always strive to cook at the level of grandma Helen.