write a letter
about a virtual Barth day party
the spelling of birthday party is wrong
your answer:
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Sub: Letter to Friends for a Birthday party
Dear Friends,
I hope you all are doing fine. I have something very special to tell you which is that my birthday is on its way and I want you all to come over to my place on the (Date: Dd/MM/YY) at (Time) for the birthday party I have arranged for all the friends and family. (Describe in your words). I do not want to listen to any refusals and I expect you all to be there on time as the mother is going to bake our favorite cake and also I want to spend quality time with you guys so that I can have good memories for my birthday. (Explain all about arrangements).
I hope to see you guys soon and also expect you all to be there as you all are very special to me.
Your name…
Contact Information…
make me brainliest
please don't ask such question it's very easy do it by yourself