write a letter for leg injury for school
SAMPLE:Sample Leave Application due to Leg Injury
Operations Manager,
Great Flying Club,
Athens, Greece.
Subject: leave application due to leg injury
Respected Sir,
It is sadly stated that I sustained an injury on my leg over the weekend and will need time off from work for a full recovery. The incident took place over the weekend when some friends and I were driving home after a party; an unwitting driver took a sharp turn and knocked us off our motorbike. All of us sustained injuries. I have a sprained ankle and a swollen foot that does not leave me in a position to drive or ride a motorcycle at the moment.
The doctor has estimated the time of recovery to be at least one week, if not more. I shall report to duty at the earliest. If I push myself to work at the moment I will end up causing more harm than good.
Yours Truly,
Mr. Jonathan
27 th May, 2014.