English, asked by hirok9251, 8 months ago

Write a letter for parent in lockdown


Answered by laxmi1783


Dear Mom & Dad,

I wanna first start off by saying I truly do love and appreciate everything you do for me. I know I talk back and make your life hard. I know you go out of your way and beyond to provide for our family. I am extremely grateful for you and I thank God everyday for the both of you!

Secondly I wanna apologize for my attitude. I am sorry I am always talking back and I am sorry for living off you and not going out on my own. I know you want me to get a job and move out and live my life, but I’m just not ready. I truly don’t want to leave home. I have comfort here with you guys and peace of mind. I feel safe here. I am sorry I roll my eyes when you tell me to do something.

Mom, I appreciate you always driving me around and buying me anything I ask for. I appreciate how you put your life on hold to attend to my needs first.

Dad, I appreciate how you don’t say no to me. I appreciate how hard you work to provide for your family.

Mom, Dad, I appreciate the both of you so much. I know these past years have been hard on all of us through different situations, I appreciate how hard you all work to get me through school and how you do whatever it takes to make your children happy. Although it may not seem like it and we may not always show it, your children do appreciate you so much. I know you would move mountains for me.

I promise you guys that one day I will make something out of my life, and I promise you that one day I will take care of you, the way you take care of me.

Mom, Dad, there is so much that I have never told you. I know I can come to you with anything. But I can't bring myself to tell you guys about my pain. I see what you guys go through to do everything for us. I don't want to ruin that.

So let's talk about the joy you bring me. You guys literally do it all for me. I wouldn't say I'm sheltered but y'all are really out here doing everything you can for me. You both know how bad I want to go to Tanzania this summer and you're literally doing whatever it takes. Mom when you told me you went to pull a $4,000 loan I was shocked.

Not because you were doing it, I know you'll always try and provide. And even though you were denied the fact that you went out of your way to try for me. Mom, Dad, I can't even put in words how much I appreciate you.

I really can't imagine my life without you guys. I love you so much and I'm so thankful for you.

I'm so appreciative that you are putting me through school and I promise I will finish and get my degree and make something out of my life. I will one day provide for you two, the way you have been and continue to provide for me.

I look up to you both in so many ways. I hope to one day be a great of a parent to my children as you two are to me.

"When I wanted to climb higher

You became my ladder

When I wanted some support

You both came together

When I wanted to fly high

You became my hot air balloon

When everything felt cursed

You appeared as my boon

I rested on your shoulders

When I wanted a better view

To parents who’ve done everything

I want to say thank you"

I also want to let you both know, I promise to continue to grow as a humble caring human. I promise to instill all the great lessons you have taught me into my children. I promise to raise my children in a church, I know how important that is to you guys. I thank you for instilling the church in me as a child. I promise to always come home and visit. I promise to start being a better daughter. I promise I'll get my life together. I promise I will figure it all out soon.

Mom, Dad, as I sit here crying writing you this letter I can't help but think what a blessing God has given me. Even though you are the ones who are truly blessed to get to raise me. I'm even more blessed to be able to say I have both my parents. Who are madly in love and I thank God everyday that I still have you both.

Mommy, Daddy, I love you guys!


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