CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

write a letter in 1000 words about astronomy to your friend


Answered by Shlokgupta87

27,Maheshwartalla RD

Kolkata:700 019

9th December,2019

Dear friend,

I hope this letter finds you in best of spirits.You wanted to know about astronomy.So I will tell you about astronomy.

Astronomy (from the Greek astron (ἄστρον) meaning "star" and nomos (nόμος) meaning "law") is the scientific study of celestial bodies.

Nebula NGC 6302. The red colour is caused by ionized nitrogen.

The objects studied include stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and nebulae. Phenomena outside the Earth's atmosphere are also studied. That includes supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation). Astronomy concerns the development, physics, chemistry, meteorology and movement of celestial bodies, as well as the structure and development of the Universe.

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Ancient people used the positions of the stars to navigate, and to find when was the best time to plant crops. Astronomy is very similar to astrophysics. A related subject, cosmology, is concerned with studying the Universe as a whole, and the way the universe changed over time. Astronomy is not the same as astrology, the belief that motion of the stars and the planets may affect human lives.

Since the 20th century there have been two main types of astronomy, observational and theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy uses telescopes and cameras to observe or look at stars, galaxies and other astronomical objects. Theoretical astronomy uses maths and computer models to explain the observations and predict what might happen. Working together, theories predict what should happen and observations show whether the predictions work. The main work of astronomy is to explain puzzling features of the universe. For thousands of years the most important issue was the motions of planets; now many other topics are studied.

Thank you,

Your loving friend

Caramel Moghbelpoor

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