write a letter in global warming
(Your address ) (Date)
Dear [name]
I am writing to express my concern about the imminent threat climate change poses to our country, to our people and the future of our children. An overwhelming number of scientists agree, and signs abound that climate change is occurring much faster than was initially predicted. We have only a few critical years before the changes become irreversible.
More than 2,000 scientists contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have made it clear that cuts of at least 50% to 70% in global greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to allow our climate to re-stabilise. Therefore, the Government should be making every effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – now.
Specifically, I believe you should act to address the issues below, and I ask you to provide me with information on what the government is doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the following areas:
1. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal fired power plants
2. Reducing emissions from the transport sector
3. Funding initiatives for alternative and renewable energy technology
4. Incentives for the uptake of renewable energy
5. Removal of subsidies for fossil based fuel sources
To secure a future for our nation and our children now is the time to set a new and positive direction for our national energy policy. We need policies that will lead our nation away from fossil based fuels.
Our addiction to fossil fuel harms human health, causes global warming, degrades land and marine ecosystems, and pollutes the earth. We need energy systems that provide clean, renewable, and reliable energy that does not threaten human health or the environment. We do create our futures, and not to reach for it would be a gross abdication of our moral responsibility.
I understand that focusing on climate change is just one of many issues during these challenging times. However, we can not wait until tomorrow we must take strong action now to address the daunting issues that climate change poses.
[your name]
Denying global warming is a political statement completely devoid of any scientific knowledge.
Consider: Earth's orbital cycles vary extremely slowly over tens of thousands of years while global warming has increased dramatically over just decades. There is no linkage here. Carbon dioxide & methane (both greenhouse gases) levels are higher than any time during the past 800,000 years. Global temperatures spiked in 1920 after 2,000 years of no change. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased 45 percent since the industrial revolution with 50 percent of that increase coming since 1960 and is accelerating due to advanced global development. Carbon dioxide emissions are now over 32 billion tons yearly and are not being bound into carbonates as deniers would have you believe. The atmospheric level was 284 PPM in 1750, 400 PPM in 2010 and projected to be 600-950 PPM by 2100.
The current visible effects are profound: highest annual temperatures recorded over just the last decade, sea level rise displacing some societal groups, glacier loss, expansion of subtropical deserts, species migration poleward and upland, loss of Arctic & Antarctic sea ice and others. The probability of all these events happening at once by chance are virtually zero.
Global warming will decrease food production due to multiple effects: higher temperatures, more severe storms, lower water supplies (ground water & depleted aquifers) and reduced soil moisture.
The National Academy of Sciences first published a report confirming human activities as a cause in global warming in 1979, a full 36 years ago. All National Academies of developed nations support this finding with 97 percent of scientists concurring