Write a letter inviting your friend for your Halloween party
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Letter Date]
[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-
Dear [Recipients Name],
It is time for everyone to get dressed up for the best Halloween costume party ever. We want everyone to come in their best disguise, be it a witch, goblin, ghosts and ghouls. Our cemetery opens for guests at 8:00 pm at 345 East Street, October 31. Bring a guest and we will provide everything else needed to make the night go with a scream. R.S.V.P. promptly before the crypt gets full.
[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-
[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -
this is your an hope you like it
[Senders Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Letter Date]
[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
Dear Ben,
Its halloween season again. And we're inviting all witches, goblins and friends in any costumes for a Halloween party. Join us at our place on October 31 at 7:00p.m. You can bring your sister as well. Make sure to be an hour early so that we can arrange all the stuff.
Yours sincerely