write a letter name and symbol of the following sodium,Silver,Gold,lead and mercury
Gold =Au
Sb: Antimony : Sb - From the Greek words 'anti' and 'monos' meaning "opposed to solitude".
Cu: Copper : Cu - From the Latin word 'cyprium', after the island of Cyprus.
Au: Gold : Au - From the Latin word 'aurum' meaning gold.
Fe: Iron : Fe - From the Latin word 'ferrum' meaning iron.
Pb: Lead : Pb - From the Latin word 'plumbum' meaning lead.
Hg : Mercury: Hg - From the Greek word 'hydrargyros' meaning 'water' and 'silver'.
K: Potassium : K - From the Medieval Latin word 'kalium' meaning potash (pot ashes).
Ag: Silver: Ag - From the Latin word 'argentum' meaning silver
Sn: Tin : Sn - From the Latin word 'stannum' meaning tin
W: Tungsten:W - From the German word 'Wolfram'. Ancient alchemists called the metal "spuma lupi," the Latin words for 'wolf foam' which was translated to the word "wolframite" with reference to the unpleasant substance formed during the smelting of tin ores containing tungsten