Write a letter of complain to the newspaper render for not delivering the copy of news paper at your home regularly . You are sam/sakshi of nav jivan vihar,jodhpur . (100-120 words)
The Manager,
Deliverables — Hours24 News Paper,
Jodhpur 12345,
Sam Rophan,
D no 2-7/8,
Nav Jivan Vihar,
Jodhpur 111111,
Date: 24th June 2019
Sub: Complaint against irregular delivery of new papers.
Dear Sir,
I would like to bring to your notice, the irregularity in the delivery of Hours24 newspaper in our locality. Nav Jivan Vihar of Jodhpur has nearly got 20 residential localities and around 300 families who depend on the news from Hours24 newspaper.
More than 40% of the residents have a complaint against the improper delivery of the newspaper. The newspapers are being handled carelessly. Many days, the paper is either not delivered at all or a worn paper is delivered.
Request your attention on this issue and your necessary immediate actions to rectify the problem.
Thanking you Sir.
Yours Sincerely,
Sam Rophan.