English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

write a letter of gratitude to the medical fraternity for the selfless care they are showing in treating the patients at the risk of their own lives


Answered by smartbrainz

A letter of gratitude to the medical fraternity


The Medical Fraternity of India

Medical Council of India,


Ram Singh,

11, Red Road,


Subject: a letter of gratitude to the medical fraternity

Sir and Madam,

ever since the outbreak of coronavirus in India there is a huge number of medical fraternity who are working throughout the day and night to save the life of people. You are the biggest hero of all time. If we are living a nice life and having a peaceful sleep it is because of you.

You have proved everyone that you can defeat the deadly virus with his. May the blessing of God be with you all time.

Thanking you ,

yours faithfully ,

Ram Singh

Answered by JackelineCasarez



Lake Society,

Tagore Garden,

New Delhi,

27th November 2020,

The Medical Fraternity,

GGSIP Hospital,

New Delhi - 67,

Sub: Letter of gratitude,

Dear all,

I am writing this letter on behalf of our colony who wishes to display immense gratitude towards the entire medical fraternity for the selfless, altruistic, and noble efforts that they have displayed during this harsh time. Irrespective of the dangers of the spreadability of the infectious virus, you people have been constantly treating the patients without concerning your own lives. We are really blessed to have such a caring medical fraternity for who only considers saving the maximum lives. This is a gratitude and thanking message that we wished to convey to the entire staff of GGSIP hospital including the doctors, nurses, wardboys, housekeeping, etc. who are working day and night for our health and safety.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,


Secretary, Lake Apartments.

Learn more: write a letter of gratitude


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